NRGSTREAM : Ontario Power Daily 
IESO Prices EPT  Date   Low   Average   High   AvgChg 
HOEP Price [Off Peak] 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 28.85 -12.21
Day Ahead PreDispatch [Peak HE8-HE23] 21-Oct 22.98 33.49 71.84 6.45
Day Ahead PreDispatch [Off Peak] 21-Oct 0.00 15.41 26.26 -2.99
ONZN - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
NYSI - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
MISI- UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
MNSI - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 19.07 90.29 -12.06
MBSI - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 26.58 90.29 -4.54
PQBE - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
PQDZ - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
PQHZ - UnCnstr ENGY 20-Oct 0.00 18.92 90.29 -12.21
 Ontario - Last 7 Days
 Ontario Predispatch v HOEP v Demand EPT
 Surrounding ISO Prices ($USD/EPT)  Date   Low   Average   High   AvgChg 
NYISO REF Real-time LBMP - flat 20-Oct 15.54 19.62 30.45 -7.84
NYISO NORTH 5 min LBMP - flat 20-Oct 10.66 18.78 35.63 -8.95
NYISO Day Ahead NORTH Zone - flat 21-Oct 14.76 30.41 55.30 6.16
PJM RTO Day Ahead LMP - flat 21-Oct 15.77 41.62 98.09 14.75
ISO NE 5 Minute LMP - flat 20-Oct 15.03 21.81 51.46 -3.21
ISO NE .I.HQHIGATE120 2 Price LMP flat 20-Oct 16.37 23.04 53.05 -2.98
ISO NE Day Ahead LMP - flat 21-Oct 20.24 35.24 70.05 9.90
MISO ONT Interface 5 min LMP - flat 20-Oct 1.34 17.27 202.55 -3.46
MISO ONT Interface Day Ahead LMP - flat 21-Oct 10.92 24.57 50.57 4.21
 Ontario Supply
 Ontario Supply - excluding nuclear
 Ontario Supply / Demand  Date   Low   Average   High 
Actual Demand 20-Oct 14,404 15,362 17,168
Demand - Year Ago 22-Oct-2023 13,609 15,833 18,603
Forecast Demand 21-Oct 14,897 17,159 19,277
Supply Forecast 21-Oct 14,897 17,159 19,277
Forecast Supply Imbalance 21-Oct 4,552 6,890 9,790
 Ontario Outages
 Ontario - Planned Outages
 Ontario Outages  Date   Low   Average   High 
Hydro Planned Outages 21-Oct 1,926 2,098 2,435
Nuclear Planned Outages 21-Oct 4,555 4,555 4,555
Other Planned Outages 21-Oct 9 9 9
This information is compiled for NRGSTREAM customers and is furnished by third party publishing sources. NRGSTREAM distributes this information without responsibility for accuracy. All information is accepted by the NRGSTREAM customer on the condition that errors in transmission or omissions shall not be made the basis for any claim, demand or cause for action. The information was obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we do not guarantee its accuracy. Neither the information, nor any opinion expressed, constitutes a solicitation of the purchase or sale of any securities, futures, or options.